Security officials confirmed on Tuesday a Russian aid worker affiliated to the International Committee of the Red Cross was the target earlier today of an attack in Baghdad Street, a busy district of the capital, Sana'a.
"The foreign worker was in the car of an international organization when she was shot," reported an official speaking to the press.
The authorities immediately launched an inquiry in the matter, eager to identify the unknown armed men and determine their motive.
While several media outlet reported the the foreign worker, which identity has yet to be confirmed, had been transported to hospital, suffering severe trauma, a spokeswoman for the ICRC in Geneva confirmed the aid worker had not been seriously hurt.
Although it is very early days, security officials are suspecting yet another kidnapping attempt by al-Qaeda.
On December 21st, 2012 three westerners, two Finish and one Danish nationals were kidnapped by local tribesman.
The trio was kidnapped by a group of armed men while shopping in a busy high streets of Sana'a, in broad day light to be later on sold to al-Qaeda to be sued as bargain chips with the Yemeni government.
This new bold attack by armed militia at the heart of the capital is raising again concerns over the state's ability to maintain security within the walls of its capital as dignitaries are discussing the future of the country at the National Dialogue Conference.
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