At a conference in the capital, Sana'a on Tuesday, Naveed Hussain, UNHCR Representative in Yemen reinforced its agency's determination to assist Yemen in dealing with its IDPs crisis (Internally Displaced People).
Speaking on refugees' living conditions, Naveed noted how precarious health and sanitation remained, explaining that it was with this in mind that UNHCR had with its partners: the French government, Yemen Ministry of Health and Population set up a new health center in al-Mazrak camp (northern province of Sa'ada). The new medical center will be able to serve 150 in-patients, bringing much needed relief to the camp's population.
France Ambassador Franck Gellet keenly noted that his country would continue to work in collaboration with UNHCR and the government of Yemen as to attend to the IDPs crisis and facilitate refugees rehabilitation.
Already France has contributed to YER110 million in total to support IDPs throughout the southern provinces.
Ambassador Gellet stressed that al-Mazrak new health center will benefit 16,000 refugees, 85% of whom are children.
Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Population, Dr Ghazi Ismail hailed the international community for its efforts in helping Yemen address its many challenges and crisis over the past two years, underscoring the exceptional support which the World Health Organization so willingly extended in view of the IDP crisis.