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Once Upon a Revolution…. Poetry by Raghda Gamal

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We have learned throughout our "journey" at the Change Square how to detach ourselves from all these temptations surrounding us, to be able to stand for what elevate and motivate our life and our standards of living. Yes, we have learned how to take a stand after each fall and emerge stronger.


Yemeni history goes back to the very dawn of civilization. Yemen, however, was fully unified politically in 1990, into the Republic of Yemen. The 1990s saw important international and regional changes. Yemenis took advantage of them and on 22nd May 1990 unified into a single state, a long cherished dream of the Yemeni people.

Since, Yemen has been maturing into a new form. A new form is - the Yemeni space, and the larger Arab and Euro-Asian space and global geopolitical climate. Still, major elements are still taking shape that will allow Yemen to fully grow into its new role.
The younger generation has much in common with other youths around the world. This "new" generation has begun to mature in the age of internet, wider access and familiarity with technology exemplified by computer and personal electronics, the spread of democratic principles and values, general familiarity with market economy and its global presence and greater educational choices.
This young generation – the future of Yemen if all trends prevalent today continue – is now maturing when it comes to various opportunities that have opened up to them since 1990. The young Yemeni generation is in process to make the next step and will become a powerful voice in Yemen's economy, politics and society.

This collection of poems titled "One upon Revolution" which features a variety of voices, and images, offers valuable insights into Yemen's fierce culture of resistance.

Poetry remains part of the cultural heritage of Yemen's younger generation, something that cannot be destroyed, a literary phenomenon marked by idealism and strong convictions. In this collection we find love, religious devotional verses and many moments of intense lyricism. Several pieces explore the theme of pain and loss – or the love which endures in spite of that pain and loss.

It is curious to present this collection as - a revelation.

It may be that the branding of this collection is - slightly mischievous – placing it alongside innumerable other poetry collections of Yemeni treasuries. It is different, not least in its poems and images being "of the youth" rather than by established literary figures. There is also remarkably contemporary note of self-consciousness. The younger poets do not write for personal gains but for the common good and for greater common good of the cause, i.e. "My vote will go only to Yemen, not to YOU".

It is worth taking a moment to praise the text here, which is crystal clear, makes no effort to force a rhyme scheme and preserves the poetic diction. This collection is a significant cultural artifact and an insight into a culture we know relatively little about.

Perhaps a profound message, there is the potential for humanity, in all its fierce compassion, to assert itself.

Raghda Gamal welcome to the feature

Q: How would you like to be introduced, or better what would you like the world to know about you?

Raghda: I would love to be introduced as a Yemeni activist who has participated in the 2011 peaceful revolution. As one of the Yemeni women, who took to the street to end the long years of social, political, and intellectual destruction. Also, as one of the Yemeni citizens who believes in freedom, justice and peace.

Q: "Once upon a Revolution" is your second book, why the title?

Raghda: I imagined myself telling my children the story of their parents during the time of 2011 Revolution. I imagined how interested and eager they would be to learn about the revolution in which a new era has been drown for future generations. I pictured myself telling them bed time stories saying "Once upon the time of glory…a time of love… a time of friendship, there was a girl who dreamed about a better country….

Q: Would you like to introduce your collection, what messages are hidden or it carries?

Raghda: It is a collection of thirteen poems and thirteen images - photos which respond to my feelings toward different events during the time of the Yemeni youth`s peaceful revolution. I will let the rest the reader to discover.

Q: The book is dedicated to "Yemeni martyrs" would you care to elaborate?

Raghda: It is the least I could do for those great hearted people who sacrificed their life for the sake of their country and their people. It is the least I could give back to their families for whom I deeply believe that we have let them down during "our journey".
Q: A revolution is all about change. You say "you closed the door", but it is not the end, where from here?

Raghda: I, as independent youth, who does not belong or is loyal to any political party, I feel at this moment I can do nothing except getting along with the GCC initiative` agreement. We may have closed the door for coming two years, but we are watching for any slip by those in charge, a mere glance of opportunity to create the second wave of change that would allow us to build a modern Yemen.

At this stage, we are aware of our rights and of the fact that the "silence period" in our history has ended.

Q: "Stupidity" can win for a moment, but it can never really succeed because the nature of humans is to seek freedom. The freedom can be delayed but not stopped. The world that comes forward is "New Yemen" and "better choice", would you like to expand what you have in mind?

Raghda: Unfortunately, some people in Yemen choose "safety" over freedom. I cannot image how you can feel safe while one is restricted, how one can feel "safe" when ignorance, poverty, injustice and corruption are surrounded you from four sides of your life. I simply described this situation as "stupidity" in my book because their choice is not making any sense.

Q: Would you like to share a moment or image which is not included in the book?

Raghda: A painful moment: It was the moment when my friends at Sana`a Change Square broke down in tears over granting Ali Abdullah Saleh (the former President) and his inner circle immunity for the crimes they have committed against the Yemeni people.

Q: Words that come to mind are - uninhibited exploration and expression of ideas and feelings. You vibrate - in tune - with everything around you, sensitively aware of life energy in all its forms, from which to create something "new" through the filter of your own consciousness. What would that "new" be or how it would manifest itself?

Raghda: The year 2011 was nothing but NEW to me:
A new breathe we inhaled at the Change Square.
Deeper cause, we finally found the courage to announce it out loud.
Met real heroes, I will love and respect forever.

Living in Change Square was nothing but living a NEW WORLD created only for those who believe in better future.

Q: More words while reading your book "birth of anything new" - is an entry into the realm of the unknown. Strange new feelings can seem to be rushing upon you, and confusion can easily take over. But even chaos is full of potential if you harness it properly. Where or what is that potential?

Raghda: The faith and dream of living in a bright, modern, and promising Yemen is the potential that can drive us out of chaos.

Q: Challenges lie ahead! Now is a time to gather strength and find courage. The opportunity for development is real, but only by being determined can the fawn rise to its feet and survive to grow to full stature. Age old advice, keep going despite difficulties and you will manifest the success you desire. What that success would be, your assessment, view, proposal, or thoughts..?

Raghda: I have expressed that in one of my poems:

"A new Yemen we will build * Liberating our minds * And refusing all ignorance
Never give up * Say it out loud * I will live in NEW YEMEN.

Q: The inner strength that comes from bearing loss can be balanced by a corresponding increase in inner strength and insight — as in the expression 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' When letting go of attachment and personal demands leads to a greater simplicity in daily life, good fortune often comes calling. Is this a fair reading of your "hidden message" in your book? Would you like to comment…expand?

Raghda: (With a smile in the face) This is a fair point. We have learned throughout our "journey" at the Change Square how to detach ourselves from all these temptations surrounding us, to be able to stand for what elevate and motivate our life and our standards of living.

Yes, we have learned how to take a stand after each fall and emerge stronger.

Q: "Truth" is transformed into power when you disperse all prejudice and make yourself receptive to the world as it really is. This power can be a remarkable force indeed - yet is rarer than generally imagined. It can be maintained only by cultivating genuine openness to things as they are - a willingness to see, rather than merely look… How can this power be transformed into making life easier for ordinary people?

Raghda: I spent my last two years explaining this idea to my friends. How the willingness to see the world as it is, can be our strongest weapon. But when in action it is not easy to pull yourself away and look to the situation from – let's say above. Our life could be much "easier" if we had – for example – succeeded in explaining this to ordinary people. Much to regret, we were unable to do so. .

Q: What were responses after your book was published, which are close to your heart?

Raghda: My colleague at the Change Square, Osamah Shamsan, who prefaced my book, said this: "The collection of poems that Miss Gamal presents brought back to me every memory I have of the revolution. Through this collection, I have experienced the full range of human emotions in their utmost intensity, curiosity, wonder, hope, fear, desperation, anger, absolute loss of fear, grieving, resolve, steadfastness, more hope, struggle, and sorrow.
In my head, Miss Gamal`s words have accurately drawn images of the revolutionary era to be kept in a state of constant motion`.

Q: Last but not least, what is next for you?

Raghda: My third book, it will be about other revolutionary feeling.

Raghda Gamal thank you.
Yemeni Women
With her tender heart * And amazing determination * Walking from one place to another * Giving the Revolutionary Youth * All the care they need * Covering herself * With a black boundary * While her light * Shines everywhere around
My vote * Will save Yemen…* Will it? * Even if I give my vote * To another killer?
My vote * Will build a new Yemen * Will it? * Even if I give it to a thief?!
My vote * Will overthrow the regime…* Will it? * Even if it goes back to the regime…
My vote… * My voice…* Will say NO.
Will say that Yemen deserves * A better choice
My vote will go *Only to Yemen, *Not to YOU.
Raghda Gamal is a Yemeni poetess and journalist, born on 30th Nov. 1985. She has a Post Graduate Diploma in journalism (2010), a Bachelor's Degree in English language Education (2008) and a Diploma in English Language (2006). In the academic year 2007/2008, she was awarded first prize in the Sana'a University Poetry Writing Competition. Since 2008 she has been working as a journalist for several Yemeni newspapers in both Arabic and English. She published her first collection of poetry "Lost in a Fairy Tale" in March 20122, and held "book signing ceremony in Change Square during the Yemeni revolution.





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