At a ministerial meeting of the Friends of Yemen in New York this Wednesday, UN Secretary General, Bank KI Moon called on Yemenis to honor their national obligations by helping transition their country toward democracy.
In the same breath he urged all of Yemen's international partners to make do on their pledges as to prevent the impoverished nation from sinking under the weight of its multitude of crises.
“Together, we can help the Yemeni people usher in a more stable, democratic and prosperous future for their country – and set an inspiring example for the world,” Ban emphasized.
Speaking on Yemen NDC (National Dialogue Conference) which had to be extended by several weeks after southern representatives refused to adhere to the country's new regional-state map under a federal system, demanding instead that Yemen be divided in two federal entities: South Yemen and North Yemen, alongside 1990 border demarkation.
“The National Dialogue Conference has created a new dynamic of inclusive politics ... I call on all Yemenis to live up to their responsibilities under the transition agreement and contribute to a successful conclusion to the National Dialogue Conference. I am well aware that the transition process is fragile. There are many challenges ahead. But I am confident that the people of Yemen will persevere on a peaceful and constructive path.”
Calling on the international community to support Yemen through its political, social and institutional transition, Ban added, “I encourage all of the Friends of Yemen to intensify your engagement. I especially ask you to increase support for life-saving activities and recovery efforts in Yemen.”