Thousands of college students and other people marched on Saturday to Tahrir Square in a peaceful demonstration that originated at Sana'a University, but 'bullies' prevented them from walking into the square where tribesmen and pro-regime fans have been stationed.
The bullies or pro-Saleh protesters started to clash with the anti-government demonstrators who withdrew saying our demonstration is peaceful.
But Saleh's supporters pursued them and hurled stones at them. There were no injuries and the anti-government protesters ended their demonstration vowing they will continue their protest after the Tunisian and Egyptian people.
Early today, pro-government protesters gathered at Sana'a University and when students wanted to take to the streets they clashed with them injuring a student. Also, guards at the university arrested five student protesters.
Thousands of pro-regime people are continuing to occupy Tahrir Square in an attempt to prevent people or opposition rally from coming here to liberate themselves after the victorious Egyptian people.
Among the maneuvers by the ruling party, many tents have been set up in the square including those for selling books, bags and other materials. Plus, Minister of State and Mayor of the Secreatariat Capital Abdul Rahman al Akwa'a opened today plastic art and handicrafts exhibitions in the square.
Anti-government protesters chanted slogans: Go Ali after Mubarak, the people want to oust the regime, and quit our tyrant leader.
In the meantime, the Joint Meeting Parties, the opposition, which has recently stepped up protest against the regime will hold on Sunday a press conference in Sana'a, head of the opposition coalition said.
The opposition also plans to launch the second stage of their protest that will including massive demonstrations.
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