Parliament passed on Tuesday anti-money laundering and terrorist financing legislation, in a move that followed rebukes and warnings to Yemen over delaying it.
The laws is typical set by the UN for the world, Minister of Finance Noman Al-Suhaibi said, pointing to dangers that may come out in case it is modified.
Yemen would be placed on the list of the countries supporting money laundering if the law was modified in an objection way, he said.
Early this year, Yemen said money transfer from and to Yemen must pass international standards.
Under the Article 4, whoever directly or indirectly collects money by any means knowing the money would be used, partly or as whole, to finance violence or threat triggered by any reason with the aim to terrify the people and expose their lives, security and freedom to dangers; affecting the environment, public and private properties through seizing them; and exposing national resources to dangers or forcing a government or an international organization to do illegal acts or blocking them from doing their job is deemed a money-laundering criminal.
The same Article also contained any crime under accords Yemen has signed or any crime stipulated in anti-kidnap and banditry laws; those who commit, take part in , and incite any form of the previously-mentioned acts.
However, struggling against invaders and foreign occupation are exempt under the law which also committed financial and other institutions to make sure of their clients and investigate suspected transactions without disclosing this to the clients.
On the other hand, Parliament ratified the UN Convention against Corruption, Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, with conservations on some articles that say fighting foreign occupation is terrorist, and that urge to turn over parties disputed over interpretation of and applying the convention to the International Court of Justice.
It also advised to issue a note confirming the ratification never recognized Israel, which ratified the agreement.
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