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Stressing that the state is about terminate the Houthi rebellion, Al-Qirbi noted the war was not the Yemeni government’s choice and is still keen about peace and stopping bloodshed and both political and military solutions are abreast.
Al-Qirbi blamed the Houthis for war resumption and stressed that the government adhered to the peace agreement against violations by the Houthi rebels who tended to expand their sway of positions that were evacuated by the army and further took over public facilities, terrified citizens, mobilized and armed their followers for fighting the state, hindered reconstruction efforts and transferred their sabotage acts to the nearby governorates. Below are the details:

Abu Bakr Abdullah: In your opinion, why did war renew in Sa’ada and why did the government resort to this option?
Abu Bakr Al-Qirbi: All people know that President Saleh announced on July 2008 halting the military operations and resumption of dialogue to give up bloodshed. The government adhered to a package of peace measures seeking reconstruction works of what has been destroyed during the last wars.
All hoped that sabotage elements will abide by the signed agreements, respond to mediation efforts, commit themselves to the constitution and law, lift the armed manifestations, abandon their mountainous positions, hand over their heavy and medium-sized weaponry, give up their attacks on citizens; however, this never happened. Instead, they preserved in their terrorist attacks targeting citizens, army and security forces as well as private and public property.
They also continued their expansion efforts, not only in Sa’ada but also in other nearby governorates like Al-Jawf and Hajjah. In more violations to the law, they blockaded the highways, took over schools and turned them into barracks for Houthi militia and forced citizens to pay Zakkat taxes to them and further kept on interfering with the work of local councils and attacking citizens who oppose them.

AA: But President Saleh announced last year that there will never be more wars in Sa’ada! What happened?
AQ: Over the last months, the government received numerous complaints from the local authority, citizens and tribal sheikhs about violations by sabotage elements, demanding the state to take the required measures that ensure their protection. Numerous crimes including killings, kidnappings, pillaging of public and private property were always reported. This included headquarters of local authority, schools, health centers, mosques which were exploited as barracks. They were also reported acts of assaults on houses, farms and acts of terror.
They kept committing violations and paying no attention to the signed agreements. In one year alone, 328 locals – including men and women – were killed, 200 injured and over 500 – including women and children – were kidnapped.

AA: Some say that the government was hasty when it resorted to the military action and left no space for dialogue?
AQ: During the last three months, the government sought dialogue and it formed several mediation committees at both local and national levels and it gave assurances that Houthis have the right to follow the doctrine they want while demanding them to give up acts of violence, but in vain. Numerous violations and assassinations were reported during the same period and they harmed the security in Sa’ada governorate and aroused the criticism against the government which was accused of being helpless in terms of acting with responsibility to instate security and protect citizens and their property. Thus, the state was forced to do its duty and this has led to the current situation which we wish its end to be soon.

AA: The issue of prisoners detained over the Sa’ada war was among the problems that hindered the implementation of several peace agreements, why does not the government take steps to close this file?
AQ: The government took several measures to prove its good will: releasing war prisoners, undertaking reconstruction efforts, repositioning of security and army forces after being withdrawn from villages, lifting all armed manifestations. We were hopeful that Houthis will start to implement Doha ceasefire agreement, to give up their past thinking, to lift any manifestations of the armed rebellion and to contribute to the government and local authorities’ efforts to make the reconstruction program – for which billions of Yemeni rials were allocated – a big success. However, this never happened and each time the government released detainees, they rejoined the rebels’ camps and their outlawed militia instead of getting back to their villages and families.

AA: As to refugees, there is a regional, Arab – and perhaps international – concern due to the escalation of war?
AQ: I would like here to assure that violence and armed resurrection is not confined to Yemen. Many Arab countries suffer from outlawed groups. As I said, the government is reluctantly waging this war and it is a result to the constant violations of the sabotage elements, not abiding by the signed peace agreements and raising the arms in state face as well as terrifying citizens. The government does realize the sufferings of Internal Displaced People (IDPs) and it has sent committees to Amran and Hajjah to closely evaluate their situation. We have told the international and humanitarian organizations about our readiness to provide the required support and protection to ensure that relief and aid reach IDPs.

AA: Houthis accuse the government of not recognizing their rights and of working to drag Sa’ada into a new war; how do you see this?
AQ: I have previously emphasized that the government recognized the rights of its citizens and these rights are guaranteed under the effective constitution and laws including the right to doctrine and belief. The government is not fanatical about the doctrine being embraced by Houthis whether it is that of the Twelfthers, Safawis or Imamate. Yemen is renowned for being a place for the coexistence of different doctrines. Though the government is very keen about peace and citizens’ rights including the rights of this group, it cannot close eyes at the killings and sabotage acts practiced by this outlawed group. The government can never allow Yemen to be a safe haven for terrorists and sabotage elements or to remain silent towards attempts for securing foreign support for this group or to allow whomsoever to implement a foreign agenda on Yemeni lands.

AA: Are you not afraid of passive consequences for this war on Yemen?
AQ: We would like this war to end very soon. We emphasize that peace is government’s choice, but this peace should come within the frame of constitution, law and state dominance over all areas.
The government does realize that the country needs stability, because stability is a precondition for facing the challenges of the comprehensive development. However, when security unrest prevails in a certain area and threatens citizens’ rights and property as well as the public stability, then the state has to act within the frame of its constitutional authorities with whatever the price will be.

AA: Some say that Sa’ada war is a war against Zaidis. What do you think?
AQ: The sabotage elements in Sa’ada are completely different from the Zaidi doctrine. We have, over the last period, hinted that rebels seek to create a sectarian conflict by displaying Houthis as a Zaidi group that fights the government. In reality, this is completely untrue and it is an attempt at mixing the cards. The thinking adopted by this group is fully detached from the Zaidi doctrine which has coexisted for centuries with the Sunni doctrine. The followers of the Zaidi doc





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