Officials confirmed on Saturday that a member of President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi's family members has escaped an assassination bid in the souther-eastern province of Hadhramawt when gunmen allegedly linked to al-Qaeda targeted him as he was traveling through the city of Seyun.
"Colonel Ali Nasser Dambur was hit by four bullets fired by one of two people on a motorbike in Seyun" said a local official to the press.
Colonel Dambur was was suffered severe injuries to his head and chest was immediately air-lifted by helicopter to the capital, Sana'a where doctors could keep a better eye on him and offer optimum care.
The attack has been the fourth of its kind in seven days, not withstanding the two bombs which were detonated in Sana'a on Frida in al-Rabat street which saw an estimated 20 people injured.
While al-Qaeda has yet to claim responsibility for this latest attack against a military officer, officials have no doubt that the group is t blame given the circumstances of the attack and the manner in which Colonel Dambur was attacked.
Although Yemen has been granted special military grants by the United States of America as to enable the impoverished nation to oppose and eradicate terrorism from its land, al-Qaeda so far has proven to be not only more resilient than anticipated but also more lethal and cunning in its attacks.
Determined to set up roots in Yemen, as to benefit from a geographical advantage, al-Qaeda has worked to destabilize Yemen's institutions and thus prevent the central government from regaining control over its territories.
Nevertheless, President Hadi has reiterated his determination to stamp out all form of extremism from Yemen, declaring on Wednesday, "The blood of victims will not be in vain ... Our people remain vigilant in the face of those crimes and will soon inflict defeat on them."
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