A new president in Yemen raises hopes of change, but also worries and fears that President Abdurabu Hadi will not live up to the expectations of the people.
Hadi needs to prove that he deserves the support of the people. The only thing he has good in is staying silent.
Yemenis went out to vote in favor of Hadi mostly not for the love they have for him, but rather for their desire for change. More than one million jobs were lost last year in a country that already was the poorest in the Middle East. We have to understand that Hadi does not even have the support of his own village or town in Abyan province, but the people had no option in the one-man presidential elections and are giving him all the needed support. They voted in his favor to show him that they are optimistic but still cautious.
Hadi must understand that youth movements were able to uproot a powerful Ali Saleh from power this year through peaceful protests. He will not be difficult to get rid of if he decides to work for side agendas and forget the needs of the Yemeni people who have suffered much.
Change Squares will continue flooding with youth activists who continue reminding everyone that they did not leave their homes to only get rid of Ali Saleh. They left their homes hoping to build a nation where everyone is equal. They left homes seeking a nation that works through institutions and not in favor of a specific faction of family. This has not yet been accomplished so the squares will continue and the pressure on Hadi will grow.
Hadi will be given a four-month trial period before the youth start escalating. He will have to prove that he is not a puppet of Ali Saleh or his family. He will have to prove that he represents the voice of the people or else the people will find another voice to represent them.
Well Hadi, its your choice. Either to build a nation and receive the love of the people, or follow the same path of Ali Saleh and leave the same way he did.
Yemenis are now aware of their rights and their ceiling of demands are higher than ever.
Ruling Yemen will no more be an easy ride for anyone. No clapping yet for Hadi as Yemen is still on the brink of failure.
ABOUT Yemen Post Publisher & Chief Editor:
Hakim Almasmari is an American journalist and Middle East expert based in Sana'a, Yemen. His work has appeared for many of the worlds top media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Washington Post, AlJazeera, Fox News, The Guardian, The National, USA Today among numerous others. He has also worked with some of the world’s top organizations. Reporting out of Yemen for nearly eight years, he is the current editor in chief for the Yemen Post. He is a university lecturer in the field of international media and also studied business and law. Considered one of the top experts on Yemen, Almasmari has closely worked with international strategic centers and think tanks helping them better understand Yemen. He is a frequent guest on many international TV outlets discussing current local and international affairs. Almasmari's ancestors are from Yemen, and was born in Detroit, Michigan, USA. His mother tongue is English and is fluent in Arabic.
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