Iran Revolution Revisited -

Iran is celebrating thirty
years of its Islamic Revolution. Al Jazeera English, the Middle East’s favorite
television network, has been running a great series based on interviews and
first person accounts to mark the occasion. |
Where Obama can make a difference
The American
people are celebrating history. Barack Obama has just been sworn in as the 44th
President of the United States and is the first African-American to sit in the
Oval Office. |
US Needs to Rethink Israel Policy
Almost two
years ago a pair of fearless US academics boldly suggested that perhaps — just
perhaps — American foreign policy in the Middle East was too beholden to Israel.
And, my-oh-my, did they ever feel the heat! |
Logic of a Soldier and Advice for Gaza
latest escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip between Hamas, the Palestinian
Islamic Resistance Movement, and Israel, serves as a reminder to the powers able
to influence the parties in conflict, primarily the United States, the European
Union and the Arab world, of two points of paramount importance.
A year of turmoil and despair
It would be hard
to say that year 2008 has been a positive year from an international perspective
even with pink tinted glasses. Since the beginning of this century when
assessing the previous year, it is clear that good news outweighed the bad news.
Addressing the root cause of piracy
The world
is finally advancing on several fronts to find a coordinated way to defeat the
pirates operating off the coast of Somalia. Many of the proposals are useful and
important, and the multi-lateral style of planning is essential for their long
term success.
China appears to hold all the cards
It is a truth
occasionally acknowledged that if you lay a map of China over one of the US,
some striking similarities emerge. Their size is uncannily close, with both
occupying almost exactly 6.5 per cent of the world's land mass. |
Biden foreboding coming true
When Senator Joe
Biden, Barack Obama's vice-president, said a few weeks ago that the new
president of the United States will be tested by an international crisis in the
first six months of his term, he was dead serious. |
Eyeing a change that works
Back in July
2007, when the possibility that Barack Obama might win the presidency was still
just a gleam in the candidate's eye, he met with former national security
adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski to ask for some advice. But he wasn't after the
usual campaign position papers or sound bites. Obama was already thinking in
bigger terms. |
The lowly computer a victim of modernity
What is a computer? Difficult question. Processing power has become
so abundant that running shoes now calculate distances jogged, cars tell drivers
where to turn, while unsupervised robots can trim a garden's herbaceous borders. |
So What If Obama is Indeed a Muslim?
Twain said a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting
on its shoes. This is what seems to be happening in this US presidential
election. |
Advent of a new season of mergers
The announcement
that the UAE's market leaders in the mortgage business have begun merger talks
points to the advent of a new season of financial sector mergers in the UAE and
the Gulf region. |
New US president faces Herculean task
Nothing could be more logical than a peace deal between Israel and Syria, yet
the “illogical” logic often driving Middle East politics indicates that the most
rational policy for both sides is to maintain the status quo. |
Logic of Illogical Israeli-Syrian Ties
Nothing could be more logical than a peace deal between Israel and Syria, yet
the “illogical” logic often driving Middle East politics indicates that the most
rational policy for both sides is to maintain the status quo. |
What A Fine Mess We Have Created!
Ben S.
Bernanke, the chairman of the US Federal Reserve System, may be dead wrong about
the urgent need for the proposed $700 billion this former professor and his
buddy, US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, have been peddling to Congress this
week. Or he may be dead right about the necessity of this massive bank bailout. |
When a game is not 'just another game'
It is possible,
should you so desire, to download a video game called "Muslim Massacre" from the
internet. Although it is common enough for video games to exploit the virtues of
killing as many people as possible, the objective of this particular video game
takes on a particularly nasty twist, and at a time when relations between
Muslims and others are sensitive enough. |
Nuclear India must end its China-bashing
India's success recently at the Nuclear Suppliers Group meeting in
Vienna unleashed a wave of nationalist chest-beating greater even than a few
weeks earlier when Abhinav Bindra, a shooter, became the nation's first
individual to win an Olympic gold medal. |
Nato Needs to Change
the Tack
If he
hasn’t already, as President, Barack Obama will realise soon enough that the
troops he withdraws from Iraq will in all likelihood end up redeploying to
Afghanistan. And, a President McCain, will likewise be faced with the reality
that American forces may well end up staying in the region for the next hundred
years. |
Can you miss the
Chinese design?
desire to give its home-grown design and engineering students the skills to
compete in the global market received a boost in March, when Autodesk launched a
student design community for the country. |
Break the 'Arab' siege
of Gaza
The two boats
that sailed through the Mediterranean to the shore of Gaza Strip left after a
week with less Arab media attention. I really felt ashamed that the 40 activists
on board, who defied the inhuman Israeli blockade and the strangulating siege of
more than a million Palestinian in the Gaza Strip, came from 14 countries; none
of them Arab. |
United in discord
YET more
haunting images of blindfolded, stripped down Palestinian men being
contemptuously dragged by soldiers in uniform from one place to another. Yet
more footage of bloodied men lying on hospital beds describing their ordeals to
television reporters who had heard this story all too often. |
A hardwired dispute
decade ago Kashmir-watchers were startled and disturbed by the newest peace
balloon to be pushed afloat — this time by a furniture magnate based in America. |
Defeating the war-war mindset
Whoever wins the American presidency in November will come up hard against what
former president Dwight Eisenhower described as the "military-industrial
complex". |
The more things change...
presidential hopeful Barack Obama's three-day visit to Israel, and one quick
stop in Ramallah carried just one surprise; that he wished to meet with
Palestinians at all. Those who count on Obama to drastically shift US foreign
policy in the Middle East, can rest assured that there will certainly be a few
cosmetic changes, here and there, but nothing substantial. |
Indo-US deal and Muslims
As the
debate over India's controversial nuclear deal with the United States heats up,
a new and totally unexpected angle has been added to the controversy: Whether
the deal is "anti-Muslim" and if the Muslims, India's largest minority and the
world's largest Muslim population, support or oppose the accord with the US.
A dead end in Asian
It has
become the common blight of many a postcolonial state that the discrepancy
between political idealism and the realities on the ground grow wider by the
day. It has also been my singular misfortune that the nature of my work as a
political scientist who studies the uneven development of many such
nation-states means that I have grown somewhat jaded by such contradictions that
are all too evident when one is distant from the country in question. |
An American in Russia
wisdom treated Dmitry Medvedev's inauguration as president of the Russian
Federation as a continuation of President Vladimir Putin's two terms of Kremlin
dominance and assertive foreign policy. |
Turkey faces a litmus
For the past few
years, in particular since the arrival of the Justice and Development Party
(known as AKP, the acronym of its Turkish name) to power in November 2002,
Turkey has performed as a model to refute the long-held Western theory that
Islam and democracy are incompatible. That model seems to be crumbling now. |
Obama should visit a
admit it, I'm thin-skinned about the kinds of slurs and innuendo about Muslims
that have accompanied Barack Obama's presidential campaign. Years of being
subjected to them while I covered the Bosnian war did that. |
Turning a blind eye to torture
years ago this year the UN General Assembly accepted the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights; and in doing so stated that "No one shall be subjected to
torture." |
Why is France wooing
After years of
heightened tension, Syrian-French relations seem to be improving at a steady
pace. Syria's President Bashar Al Assad has been invited to participate in the
summit dedicated to the launching of the Mediterranean project, which will be
held in Paris on July 13. |
Gaza's dying children
6-YEAR-OLD Palestinian girl from Gaza was killed by Israeli fire, June 12.
"Medics say the girl was decapitated by a (tank) shell," the Associated Press
reported the next day. |
The twain can meet
Dialogue is a funny business, particularly when it happens to be dialogue of the
inter-civilisational and inter-religious kind. |
America's neo-colonial
In the teeth
of much local and regional opposition, Washington is pressuring Iraq's Prime
Minister Nouri Al Maliki to conclude a "strategic alliance" with the United
States, which would allow it to keep substantial military forces in Iraq for the
foreseeable future. |
Promises they can't
Barack Obama or John McCain, whichever candidate ends up in the White House
after the November elections, will face a serious challenge correcting eight
years of George W. Bush's largely disastrous foreign policies.
Perils of assimilation
quick look at the troubles in the predominantly Muslim-Malay provinces of
Southern Thailand — which has been a troubled spot for the past four years at
least — would point to a fundamental flaw in the line of thinking of the
powers-that-be in Bangkok. |
Driving towards
Everywhere I go
these days, talking about the global energy predicament on the college lecture
circuit or at environmental conferences, I hear an increasingly shrill cry for
"solutions". |
The Muslim world and
the invaluable use of Oil
the last 60 years, Israel has turned Palestine into the largest concentration
camp ever in history, gradually wiping it off the map of the world. 1.5 million
Palestinian prisoners in Gaza are being starved to death while the rest of the
world is cheering Israel’s civilised 60-year democracy. |
Who’s the Real
Military intervention in Turkish politics predates the establishment of the
Turkish Republic by Mustafa Kemal in 1924 by several centuries. |
The Generals and Islam
in Turkey
Military intervention in Turkish politics predates the establishment of the
Turkish Republic by Mustafa Kemal in 1924 by several centuries. |
Western hypocrisy and
criminal failure
don't have to be cynical to do foreign policy, but it helps. A sigh of relief
rose over the West's chancelleries on Monday (May 12) as it became clear that
the Chinese earthquake was big — big enough to trump Burma's cyclone.
Rice's futile
The US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has visited
Israel/Palestine no fewer than 15 times in the past 15 months - and has
virtually nothing to show for it. Her diplomacy has been an exercise in
futility. |
Why, at 60, Israel
remains true to its mission
THERE is a certain symmetry to the departure of
Yossi Harel, who recently died at 90 in Tel Aviv, and the arrival of Israel’s
60th birthday. Harel was the commander of a battered, second-hand ship that he
renamed “Exodus” and sailed into legend. |
The war on media front
WHEN the Israeli army killed James Miller, the British producer who was making a
film about the Palestinian children under Israeli occupation, the Israelis, at
the time, claimed that the Palestinians killed him. |
Why they spy
During much of
the Cold War, the typical American spy - spy for the enemy, that is - was a
single, native-born, high-school-educated white male in his 20s, employed by a
branch of the military and with top-secret security clearance. |
Testing time for the
These are
dangerously unsettled times in the Middle East. There are so many bitter scores
to settle, so much violent dissension, such implacable hatreds, that it would
take only a spark to set the whole region alight. Or so it would seem. Many
observers predict a hot and bloody summer. |
Can humanity still be
We have
inherited a single planet. But what have we made of it? The Earth is today an
endangered heritage, and the species itself is at risk. |
Obama’s ‘unity in
WHEN Barack Obama’s
Indonesian classmates are asked to recall the boy they all called
“Barry” (pronounced “Berry”), their description is unanimous: “chubby.” |
Olympics lights up
bilateral ties
capital of Pakistan celebrated the progress of the Olympic torch through
it on April 16 with pageantry that reassured China that the indignities
inflicted on it in London and Paris were as much an affront to its
people as to the Chinese. It was just a day after President General
(retired) Pervez Musharraf's return from a six-day visit to China. |
Yemen in the GCC?
is the geographic, strategic, humane and security background of the GCC
states," President Ali Abdullah Saleh told the visiting Gulf Cooperation
Council (GCC) Secretary-General Abdul Rahman Al Attiyah a few days ago.
Yemen strikes
difficult truce with terrorists
SANA, Yemen:
When the Yemeni authorities released a convicted Qaeda terrorist named
Jamal al-Badawi from prison last October, American officials were
furious. Badawi helped plan the attack on the American destroyer Cole in
2000, in which 17 American sailors were killed. |
Dancing With
Yemen - Political Opinion
For many years,
Yemen’s had a shady relationship with Islamic militants. In the late
1980s, they welcomed thousands of Afghani-trained mujahideen into
the country and, in 1994, President Ali Abdullah Saleh (left) used his
connections to such militant factions in order to suppress a brief
north-south civil war. |