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  Written By:   ( YEMEN POST STAFF ) 
  Article Date: April 21, 2008 



Yemen Participates in Anti-Corruption Workshop in Dar Al-Baidha

Today in Dar Al-Baida, Morocco, starts the second regional workshop on the self-evaluation method concerning United Nations Convention against Corruption and will continues for two days. Mr. Ahmed Al-Anesi, Chairman of the Supreme National Authority for Combating Corruption (SNACC), told YEMEN POST before he lift to Morocco that the workshop would discuss projects for supporting UNCAC in the Arab states.

EU to Open Embassy in Sana’a

In a meeting held in Sana’a, Yemen and the European Commission discussed the cooperation between Yemen and EU especially in education, fisheries, and agriculture sectors. Also, Yemen and EU discussed the current preparations for opening the European Union’s Embassy in Sana’a in the coming few months. Meanwhile, The Yemeni Government praised the support by the EU and confirmed that the new EU embassy in Yemen would strengthen the relations between Yemen and European Union countries.

A Furnace Explosion in Ba-Zara’a Steel Fusion Factory

A furnace explosion occurred in Ba-Zara’a steel fusion factory in Aden. More than six workers have been injured due to the furnace explosion, and were taken to the hospital and some of them are still in the hospital. Security Authorities in Aden started an investigation into the cause of the accident but nothing is clear yet.
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