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MOSCOW – Of the 56 Yemeni prisoners recommended for release at US’s Guantanamo Bay prison, none have made it home despite the lifted moratorium on returning them to their native land, a lawyer representing four of them told RIA Novosti Wednesday.

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Although President Abdo Rabbo Mansour promised many times over the past few months that Yemen NDC - National Dialogue Dialogue - would neither suffer nor tolerate any delay, as the nation's future stood in the balance, Mohammed Qahtan, spokesman for the southern issue announced Tuesday that the Dialogue had been extended to October following difficulties.

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In a comment made last week to al-Jazeera, on the occasion of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh's birthday party at his Sana'a residence, Gen. Yehia Mohammed Saleh, former Chief of the Central Security Forces and Saleh's nephew, commented defiantly that his family and party will be back in power in 2014 (in time for the next presidential elections)

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As the media is going on overdrive reporting how Iran is providing high-tech military weapons to the Houthis - Yemeni Shia rebel group based in the northern province of Sa'ada - fresh reports from the United Nations Security Council are indicating a link in between Ayatollah Iran and Al-Qaeda in Somalia.

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With factions in Yemen -- Southern Secessionist Movement aka al-Harak and the Houthis, Shia rebel group based in the northern Yemeni province of Sa'ada -- continue to call for the boycott of the much anticipated National Dialogue, politicians are advancing federalism could hold all of the nation's answers and preserve its unity.

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The sectarian strife in Yemen we're facing is not only a political crisis but a sectarian one. It has existed for years but now it's out in the open; Sunni-Shiite tensions are rising in Yemen. Yemeni Zaidis, from the Shia school of thought

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