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While Yemen is battling to get its institutions back on track following 2011 uprising and calls for comprehensive reforms, experts have often warned that unless officials are willing to address the country’s corruption crisis, no amount of funding will benefit the nation since aid will end up lost in some dignitaries’ pockets.

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As Yemen officials are getting ready to attend the Friends of Yemen Conference in London (April 29, 2014) in order to discuss the impoverished nation’s financial and economic needs, Johannes van der Klaauw, UNHCR Yemen Representative and Humanitarian Coordinator was keen earlier this week to underscore the widening of Yemen’ social and humanitarian crisis.

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Last week Yemen President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi authorized the biggest military operation to date against al-Qaeda positions across several provinces: Abyan, Shabwa and al-Bayda. Over two days (April 20-21) al-Qaeda militants and its training camps became the target of an intensive airstrike and large ground operation, in which an estimated 55 to 60 militants reportedly died.

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The Yemeni geographer Al Hamdani (ca 900 AD) writes much about the city of Sa`ada and its surrounding. From him we know that Sa`ada used to be known as Yemeni region well before Islam. He mentions that Sa`ada lies in the middle of Qaraz region. Qaras is an Accacia tree from which juice and the gum "Arabicum" used to be extracted. In the surrounding of Sa`ada are some of the best wadis with horses, fruits, grapes and much animals.

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As Yemen faces an aggravated terror threat since al-Qaeda has increased the frequency and reach of its attacks against both the military and security apparatus, President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi has been driving the counter-offensive, determined to oppose this new wave of terrorism.

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When the Houthis (a Shiite group based in the northern province of Sa’ada organized under the leadership of Abdel Malek al-Houthi) first attacked Salafis militants in Dammaj back in late October 2013, at the heart of their dominion, little did government officials or the public have ever imagined that such a campaign was the premise of a grander regional expansionist plan.

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Ever since last October, when Houthis militants laid siege on Dar al-Hadith Salafi religious centre, in the northern province of Sa’ada, Yemen has been in a state of great turmoil, with media and politicians speaking of an impending war should the central government fail to diffuse the situation.

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Faced with an aggravated economic crisis and dangerously low foreign currencies reserve, President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi first had to turn toward the oil sector to try to establish how best to maximize Yemen’s income revenues, when he took power in 2012. Since the oil and gas industry represents over 70% of Yemen’s national budget, it was only natural for President Hadi to want to how so far his predecessor, former President Ali Abdullah Saleh had managed the country’s main source of revenues.

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As Yemen prepares to draft its new constitution now that NDC representatives have laid down the ground work, rights activists were pleased to learn that Yemen intends to honour its commitment toward civil liberties by entrenching values such as freedom of thought, expression, gender equality and women’s rights directly into the constitution.

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