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Demanding Governmental Posts, Perpetrator Blow up Oil Pipelines | |
Written By:
almasmari ( YEMEN POST STAFF
) Article Date: January 05, 2009 |
Safer Company resumed the pumping of oil after its technical team managed to repair the damaged oil pipeline which was blown up by unidentified people in Khawlan district's Jihanah area. The pipeline, which forms part of a network transporting crude oil from the Marib oil basin to storage tanks of export in Al-Hodeidah's Ras Isa Seaport, was blown up by planting explosives around it. The motives behind the attack were revealed as they range between demanding high ranking posts in government and seeking big sums of money. Other reasons were personal and motivated by state measures targeting fellow tribesmen. An official source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, had revealed that Islamist militants are not involved in the attack, hinting that the operation was no more than attempts to force concessions on the government is part or to receive funds. Opposition leaders spoke out against the incident saying that those who commit acts that violate laws and harm the country's security and stability are not punished; instead they are promoted or granted high ranking posts. The investigative report noted that dozens of general managers and deputy governors were behind previous attacks targeting the oil pipeline. A similar report by the Hunt Oil Company revealed that a number of people directly connected with attacks targeting the pipeline were recruited and granted high ranking posts. Tribal and local sources asserted that the poor infrastructure and widespread unemployment and poverty lead some people, especially frustrated youth, to cause some sort of problems in an effort to pressurize the government and force concessions in its side. Sometimes, they seek to draw the government's attention to their deprived areas. Unlike the previous attacks, no party has so far declared responsibility. Official media reported that the criminals who were behind the operation that led to the leakage of significant quantities of oil are still unknown. However, some media outlets reported that a tribesman whose wife passed away in Al-Sabeen Hospital was to be blamed for the attack as he claims that his wife's death was caused by doctors' neglect. The first person to blow up the pipeline was M. A. Shudiq and the attack was launched in 1995. At the time, Shudiq received big sums of money which allowed him to dig five water wells and turn him to be a wealthy person. Bombing the pipeline could lead sometimes to bloody clashes between locals and military forces especially when the government turns down any proposals for preventing future attacks. The pipeline has been targeted 37 times, the last of which was made by the end of 2007. The aftermath confrontations for these attacks have resulted in killing five perpetrators and twenty soldiers. |